Its 27 days to the 5th Annual E- Government Summit 2016. The Conference organized by the E-PAYMENT PROVIDERS ASSOCIATION OIF NIGERIA ,EPPAN will hold on the 27th – 28th September 2016 at the NAF Conference Centre Abuja.
The Theme for the event is: Attaining Increased IGR, Efficiency and Accountability Through Smart Innovations.
When it comes to Internally Generated Revenue, passion is not enough. The 2016 E- Government Summit offers endless ideas for states to leverage on especially in the use of ICT in implementing the integration and management of private and public data. This will provide a secured Payment System, Smart Cities, Robust Infrastructure, Security, Health Facilities, Quality Education, and Financial Inclusion for achieving a robust government service delivery
Another aspect which the summit will address will be how to stimulate the interest of the private sector to invest in ICT infrastructure for Smart Cities, Security, Infrastructure, Health, Education, Payment System, and Financial Inclusion, while the government provides enabling laws and policies that will not only create a thriving environment for national development but will enhance accountability.