Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday responded to the accusation of the Cambridge analytica data saga, in a lengthy explanation on his Facebook post, saying that protecting people’s data is paramount for the company and that what happened with Cambridge analytica was a “breach of FFacebook’s trust, more importantly, it was a breach of the trust people place in Facebook to protect their data when they share it…”
Mark added that he has been working to understand exactly what happened and how to make sure this doesn’t happen again. He informed the public on the important steps the company is taking to address this important issue,some of which includes:
Reviewing the Facebook platform, telling people about data misuse, turning off access for unused apps, restrict Facebook login, encourage people to manage the apps they use and reward people who find vulnerabilities.
In all, the company will also set a higher standard for how developers build on Facebook and what People should expect from them; all of these changes will help prevent abuse on the platform.
It will be recalled that the Facebook data branch backlash came as a result of the Cambridge university researcher, Aleksandr kogan,who created a personality quiz app. It was installed by around 300,000 people who shared their data as well as some of their friends data, this gave kogan access to tens of millions of their friends data.